2025. Ben Arous, E., Blinkhorn, J. A., Elliott, S., Kiahtipes, C., Dibié N'zi, C., Bateman, M., Duval, M., Roberts, P., Patalano, R., Blackwood, A., Niang, K., Affoua Kouamé, E., Lebato, E., Hallett, E., Niccolò Cerasoni, J., Scott, E., Ilgner, J., Escarza, M. J. A., Yodé Guédé, F., Scerri, E. M. L. Humans in Africa’s wet tropical forests 150 thousand years ago. Nature.
2025. Ben Arous, E., Aouadi, N., Belhouchet, L., Mekki, H., Trabelsi, K., Mabrouki, M., El Essid, E. M., Fehri, N., Shao, Q., Falguères, C., Lebreton, V., Roberts, P., Patalano, R. Sidi Zin Archaeological Project: New Investigations into the Acheulean and Middle Stone Age in Tunisia. Antiquity, 2025, 1–7.
2024. Ramírez-Pedraza, I., Tornero, C., Aouraghe, H., Rivals, F., Patalano, R., Haddoumi, H., Expósito, I., Rodríguez-Hidalgo, A., Mischke, S., van der Made, J., Piñero, P., Blain, H-A., Roberts, P., Jha, D. K., Agustí, J., Sánchez-Bandera, C., Lemjidi, A., Benito-Calvo, A., Moreno-Ribas, E., Oujaa, A., Mhamdi, H., Souhir, M., Aissa, A. M., Chacón M. G., Sala-Ramos, R. Arid, mosaic environments during the Plio-Pleistocene transition and early hominin dispersals in northern Africa. Nature Communications 15(1): 8393.
2024. Shoaee, M. J., Nasab, H. V., Storozum, M., Frenzel, P., Kharazian, M. K., Fernandes, R., Hashemi, S. M., Jayex, M., Amano, N., Abbsabadi, B. M., Aalipoor, M., Lucas, M., Marzo, S., Ilgner, J., Patalano, R., Roberts, P., Boivin, N., Petraglia, M. Initial Upper Paleolithic in the Zagros Mountains. Frontiers in Earth Science 12:13523099.
2024. Jha, D. K., Patalano, R., Ilgner, J., Achyuthan, H., Alsharekh, A. M., Armitage, S., Blinkhorn, J., Boivin, N., Breeze, P. S., Devra, R., Drake, N., Groucutt, H. S., Guagnin, M., Roberts, P., Petraglia, M., Preservation of plant-wax biomarkers in Deserts: Implications for Quaternary environment and human evolutionary studies. Journal of Quaternary Science.
2023. Hamilton, R., Amano, N., Bradshaw, C. J. A., Saltre, F., Patalano, R., Penny, D., Stevenson, J., Wolfhagen, J., Roberts, P. Forest mosaics, not savanna corridors, dominated in Southeast Asia during the Last Glacial Maximum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (1)
2023. Patalano, R., Arthur, C., Carleton, W. C., Challis, S., Dewar, G., Gayantha, K., Gleixner, G., Ilgner, J., Marzo, S., Mokhachane, R., Pazan, K., Spurite, D., Morley, M. W., Parker, A., Mitchell, P., Roberts, P. Ecological stability of Late Pleistocene-to-Holocene Lesotho, southern Africa, facilitated human upland habitation. Communications Earth & Environment 4, 129.
2022. Patalano, R., Hu, J., Leng, Q., Liu, W., Wang, H., Roberts, P., Storozum, M., Yang, L., Yang, H. Ancient Great Wall building materials reveal environmental changes associated with oases in northwestern China. Sci Rep 12, 22517.
2022. Mercader, J., Beley, G., Bushozi, P., Clarke, S., Favreau, J., Itambu, M., Jianfeng, Z., Koromo, S., Larter, F., Lee, P., Maley, J., Fernández-Marchena, J., Mohamed, A., Mwambwiga, A., Ngisaruni, B., Kingi, M., Olesilau, L., Patalano, R., Pedergnana, A., Sammynaiken, R., Siljedal, J., Soto, M., Tucker, L., Walde, D., Olle, A. Microbotanical residues for the study of early hominin tools. Scientific Reports 12(1): 2951.
2021. Patalano, R., Hamilton, R., Finestone, E., Amano, N., Heddell-Stevens, P., Itambu, M., Petraglia, M. D., Roberts, P. Microhabitat Variability in Human Evolution. Frontiers in Earth Science. Special Issue: Extreme Events in Human Evolution: From the Pliocene to the Anthropocene. 9:787669.
2021. Patalano, R., Roberts, P., Boivin, N., Petraglia, M., Mercader, J. Plant Wax Biomarkers in Human Evolutionary Studies. Evolutionary Anthropology 1–14.
2021. Mercader, J., Akuku, P., Boivin, N., Bugumba, R., Bushozi, P., Camacho, A., Carter, T., Clarke, S., Cueva-Temprana, A., Durkin, P., Favreau, J., Fella, K., Haberle, S., Hubbard, S., Inwood, J., Itambu, M., Koromo, S., Lee, P., Mohammed, A., Mwambwiga, A., Olesilau, L., Patalano, R., Roberts, P., Rule, S., Saladie, P., Siljedal, G., Soto, M., Umbsaar, J., Petraglia, M. Earliest Olduvai hominins exploited unstable environments ~ 2 million years ago. Nature Communications 12, 3.
2020. Patalano, R., Zech, J., Roberts, P. Leaf Wax Lipid Extraction for Archaeological Applications. Current Protocols in Plant Biology 5, e20114.
2020. Favreau, J., Soto, M., Nair, R., Bushozi, P.M., Clarke, S., DeBuhr, C.L., Durkin, P.R., Hubbard, S.M., Inwood, J., Itambu, M., Larter, F., Lee, P., Marr, R.A., Mwambwiga, A., Patalano, R., Tucker, L., Mercader, J. Petrographic Characterization of Raw Material Sources at Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania. Frontiers in Earth Science 8.
2020. Tucker, L., Favreau, J., Itambu, M., Larter, F., Mollel, N., Mwambwiga, A., Patalano, R., Roberts, P., Soto, M., Mercader, J. Initial Assessment of Bioavailable Strontium at Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania: Potential for Early Mobility Studies. Journal of Archaeological Science 114.
2020. Soto, M., Favreau, J., Campeau, K., Carter, T., Abtosway, M., Bushozi, P.M., Clarke, S., Durkin, P.R., Hubbard, S.M., Inwood, J., Itambu, M., Koromo, S., Larter, F., Lee, P., Mwambwiga, A., Nair, R., Olesilau, L., Patalano, R., Tucker, L., Mercader, J. Fingerprinting of quartzitic outcrops at Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 29, 102010.
2019. Mercader, J., Clarke, S., Bundala, M., Favreau, J., Inwood, J., Itambu, M., Larter, F., Lee, P., Lewiski-Mcquaid, G., Mollel, N., Mwambwiga, A., Patalano, R., Soto, M., Tucker, L., Walde, D. Soil and plant phytoliths from the Acacia-Commiphora mosaics at Oldupai Gorge (Tanzania). PeerJ 7, e8211.
2019. Soto, M., Inwood, J., Clarke, S., Crowther, A., Covelli, D., Favreau, J., Itambu, M., Larter, S., Lee, P., Lozano, M., Maley, J., Mwambwiga, A., Patalano, R., Sammynaiken, R., Vergès, J.M., Zhu, J., Mercader, J., Structural characterization and decontamination of dental calculus for ancient starch research. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 4847-4872.
2018. Mercader, J., Abtosway, M., Bird, R., Bundala, M., Clarke, S., Favreau, J., Inwood, J.L., Itambu, M., Larter, F., Lee, P., Patalano, R., Soto, M., Tucker, L., Walde, D. Morphometrics of Starch Granules From Sub-Saharan Plants and the Taxonomic Identification of Ancient Starch. Frontiers in Earth Science 6.
2018. Mercader, J., Akeju, T., Brown, M., Bundala, M., Collins, M.J., Copeland, L., Crowther, A., Dunfield, P., Henry, A.G., Inwood, J., Itambu, M., Kim, J.-J., Longo, L., Oldenburg, T., Patalano, R., Sammynaiken, R., Soto, M., Tyler, R., Xhauflair, H. Exaggerated expectations in ancient starch research and the need for new taphonomic and authenticity criteria. Facets 3, 777-798.
2017. Mercader, J., Abtosway, M., Baquedano, E., William Bird, R.W., Diez-Martin, F., Domínguez-Rodrigo, M., Favreau, J., Itambu, M., Lee, P., Mabulla, A., Patalano, R., Pérez-González, A., Santonja, M., Tucker, L., Walde, D. Starch Contamination Landscapes in Field Archaeology: Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Boreas.
2016. Mercader, J., Patalano, R., Favreau, J., Itambu, M., Kumbani, J., Marufu, H. Acheulean prepared core technologies from the eastern Zimbabwe Escarpment, Maunganidze (Manicaland). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 8, 47-62.
2015. Patalano, R., Wang, Z., Leng, Q., Liu, W., Zheng, Y.F., Sun, G.P., Yang, H. Hydrological changes facilitated early rice farming in the lower Yangtze River Valley in China: A molecular isotope analysis. Geology 43, 639-642.
2020. Patalano, R. and Roberts P. Climate Proxies. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa. Eds. Daniel T. Potts, Ethan Harkness, Jason Neelis, and Roderick J. McIntosh. Wiley-Blackwell.
2019. Patalano, R. The Environmental Context of the Earliest Acheulean at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Department of Anthropology and Archaeology. University of Calgary, Calgary, AB. PhD Dissertation, p. 465.
2017. Favreau, J. and Patalano, R. (editors). Shallow Pasts, Endless Horizons: Sustainability & Archaeology. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Chacmool Archaeological Conference. 2015. Calgary, AB, Canada. The Chacmool Archaeological Association, University of Calgary.
2011. Patalano, R. Preliminary Investigation of the Groundwater Geochemistry and Microbiology at the Line Hole and Airport Well Fields, San Salvador, Bahamas. Department of Environmental Science. University of New Haven, West Haven, CT. Masters Thesis, p. 176.
2014. Hubbard, A., Witkowski, C., Davis, J., and Patalano, R. Sustaining Air and Water (SAW) Laboratory Manual. Ed. Gaytha Langlois. Department of Science and Technology, Bryant University.
2014. Hubbard, A., Witkowski, C., Davis, J., and Patalano, R. Human Impact on Land and Life (HILL) Laboratory Manual. Ed. Gaytha Langlois. Department of Science and Technology, Bryant University.
2024. Patalano, R. Colleges are reducing food waste through composting. Rhode Island cities and towns should, too. The Boston Globe. March 16, 2024.
2024. Patalano, R. Studying lake deposits in Idaho could give scientists insight into ancient traces of life on Mars. The Conversation. February 5, 2024.
2023. Patalano, R. Book Review: African Paleoecology and Human Evolution. Sally C. Reynolds & René Bobe (Eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2022, 581 pp., ISBN 978‑1‑107‑07403‑3. African Archaeological Review.
2020. Patalano, R. The Oldupai Gorge Site Museum and Visitor Center. Mainly Museums.